the opening paragraph
the closing paragraph
a turning point
a recurrent element
the symbolic nature of
the scene takes place
to herald = annoncer
to enhance
to convey
to qualify = nuancer
the fantastic quality of
a stylistic effect
a rhetorical device
a figure of speech
the discrepancy between
the contrast between
a echo, a repetition of
a reversal of values
the ending of a world
a clue = un indice
a hint = une allusion
a phrase, an expression
a sentence
to mock
to be reminiscent of
to emphazise a point
to draw the attention to
to underline
to remind somebody of something
to shift to = to move to
to pretend (faire semblant)
to convince that
to play a part/a role
to blend= se confondre, se mêler
to refer to
to rhyme with
to draw a parallel/a conclusion
to create an effect
to infer that
to hint at= faire allusion à
to account for (explain) = expliquer, justifier
to blame somebody for = reprocher qqchose à qq'un
to differ from=être différent de
to draw from= être différent de
to succeed in = réussir à
to divide into = diviser en
to turn into=(se) transformer en
to translate into= traduire en
to consist of = consister en
to comment on = commenter
to depend on = dépendre de
to appeal to = plaire à
to object to = s'opposer à
to begin with = commencer par
to be concerned with = s'inquiéter pour, s'intéresser à
Mots charnières
1/ First, second, then, finally: pour articuler clairement l'exposé
2/ Also, besides, in addition: plus naturel que moreover ou furthermore
3/ As a result, consequently: évite de répéter so
4/ On the other hand/side: pour exprimer l'opposition
5/ Yet: en début de proposition pour exprimer la restriction
6/In other words: pour reprendre ce qui a été dit
7/ In conclusion, to conclude
Pour colorer ou éviter les répétitions:
Good = valide, desirable, beneficial, effective, reliable, sound, appropriate
Bad = harmful, damaging, inacceptable, inaccurate, useless
Big = large, tremendous, vast, significant
Small = insignificant, inadequate, minor, limited
Important = significant, deceisive, worthwhile, essential
Interesting = stimulating, thought-provoking, captivating
Problem = question, issue, predicament, dilemma, drawback
To link = to associate, to combine, to establish a relation or a link
To say = to argue, to declare, to maintain, to remark, to reveal
Se situer dans le texte:
At the beginning of the text
In the first/second/third/last paragraph
On line three
Further down the text = un peu plus loin
Half-way down the text = au milieu du texte
Towards the end = vers la fin
At the end of the text